Man and Woman Kissing wearing a suite and black dress

Top 5 Signs You Definitely Have Sensual Tension Between You and Someone Else

Sensual tension can often be cut with a knife. Sometimes even other people start to notice. Sensual tension is definitely not a bad thing and can often lead to beautiful relationships.

But, if either of you are committed or married, sensual tension can quickly become a problem. Some people believe there are some telltale signs of sensual tension, and others believe it’s not that simple.

Eye Contact

Truth Teller couple standing outside smiling at each other
Image credits: Depositphotos mortortion.

One Redditor commented, “Lot of eye contact.”

Another added, “Serious eye contact for me. Like when they would rather admire you than look anywhere else, it just makes it so obvious.”


woman smiling
Image credit: Depositphotos deagreez1.

A user suggested, “When she tells me she is upset because I am not picking up the signals.”

A second Redditor said, “They glance at your mouth while talking to you.”


Gentle Hug couple hugging on the beach
Image credits: Depositphotos Cristina Conti.

“Unsolicited touching,” and then added, “I meant unsolicited, but welcomed touching, lol.”

To which another Redditor added, “You both try to touch each other at any opportunity.”

“For me, a lot of close physical contact. Not just hugs but letting my hands linger on their waist or gently catching their hand in mine wherever the opportunity arises. I guess those are more my signals than mutual signs.”

Feel It

New Crush man and woman sitting on a couch looking at each other with flirty eyes.
Image credits: Depositphotos Voyagerix.

A Redditor added, “You feel the tension. You’ll know when it happens.”

To which another user replied, “It is kinda hard to put into words, but as a woman, I can definitely feel it.”

Others Notice

Listen & Remember couple sitting together and looking at each other
Image credits: Depositphotos Goodluz.

A Redditor commented, “When other people pick up on it.”

Can’t Go Too Long Without Talking

Attraction couple holding hands at a table looking happy and flirty
Image credits: Depositphotos stockasso.

These are sure ways to tell if there is sensual tension between you and another person from the mouths of Redditors. What are some signs of sexual tension you feel to be true?

This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Neon Moon.

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4 Signs There Is Sensual Tension Between You and Someone Else

Man and Woman Kissing wearing a suite and black dress
Image credit: Depositphotos VitalikRadko.

4 Signs There Is Sensual Tension Between You and Someone Else Sensual tension can often be cut with a knife. Sometimes even other people start to notice. 

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