woman holding a calendar and looking shy

Top 15 Things Women Want Men To Know About Periods, Period

Understanding and empathizing with the experience of menstruation is vital to being a supportive and compassionate partner. For many men, the world of periods can be shrouded in mystery, but it doesn’t have to be. This monthly occurrence is a natural and significant part of a woman’s life, and being informed about it can strengthen relationships and create a more inclusive environment. We’ve compiled 15 crucial insights women wish men knew about periods, each offering a glimpse into this biological process and its emotional landscape. By gaining this understanding, you’re not just showing support but also playing a role in dismantling the stigma surrounding menstruation.

It’s Not Just Blood

Menstrual cylce/period products and flowers
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A period involves more than just bleeding. There’s a complex interplay of hormones, emotions, and physical discomfort. Understanding the entire menstrual cycle can help men be more empathetic and supportive.

It’s Not Always Regular

circle on a calendar
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Periods don’t always follow a strict schedule. Stress, illness, and other factors can affect their timing, so it’s not uncommon for them to be irregular monthly. Being understanding during these times is greatly appreciated.

Pain Levels Vary

woman in pain in bed
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While some women may experience mild discomfort, others may face severe pain during their periods. It’s important to acknowledge and validate their pain and offer support or solutions if they’re seeking them.

We Might Be Extra Sensitive

Woman crying while hiding her face with her hands
Image Credit Depositphotos HayDmitriy.

Hormonal changes can heighten emotions. Sometimes, what may seem like an overreaction is just a response to these natural shifts. Offering a little extra patience and understanding can go a long way.

It’s Not a Choice

woman shrugging in yellow
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Women don’t get to choose when their periods arrive. It’s a biological process that cannot be controlled or delayed at will. Understanding when plans need to be adjusted due to a period is a gesture of support.

Small Gestures Mean a Lot

man cooking dinner
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Simple acts of kindness like offering a heating pad, a comforting meal, or a sympathetic ear can make a difference during this time. These gestures show that you care and are willing to help ease discomfort.

It’s Okay to Talk About It

Communication man and woman sitting on a bed talking
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Open communication about periods breaks down the stigma surrounding them. Talking openly about how someone feels during this time fosters understanding and brings you closer together.

We Appreciate Your Support

Happy couple hugging and laughing
Image credit: Depositphotos VeronikaGorBO.

Support can come in many forms, from offering pain relief options to just being there as a comforting presence. Whatever it looks like, know that your support is incredibly valued.

Periods Aren’t Gross

woman holding a pad
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Periods are a natural bodily function; there is nothing inherently dirty or unclean about them. Dismissing or shaming someone because of their period perpetuates harmful stigmas.

Sometimes, We Just Need Some Space

couple seperated by table
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While support is crucial, sometimes women just need a little time alone. It’s not a reflection on the relationship but rather an opportunity to practice self-care and recharge.

Surprise Acts of Kindness Are Treasured

woman and man cuddling with flowers
Image Credit: Depositphotos -ArturVerkhovetskiy

Bringing a hot water bottle, a favorite treat, or offering to take over a chore can be incredibly thoughtful gestures. They show that you’re tuned in to her needs, which is always appreciated.

 We Don’t Want to Be Defined by Our Periods

woman making muscles
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While periods are a part of a woman’s life, they don’t define her entirety. Recognizing her as a multifaceted individual, even during this time, is a powerful way to show respect.

Educate Yourself

Man reading a book
Image Credit Depositphotos ArturVerkhovetskiy.

Taking the initiative to learn more about periods and their impact on women’s bodies demonstrates a genuine interest in understanding and supporting your partner.

Period Sex Is a Personal Choice

Couple Kiss Lips
Image Credit_ Depositphotos kiuikson

Some women may be comfortable with it, while others may not. It’s important to have open conversations about this and respect each other’s boundaries and preferences.

It’s Not Something to Be Ashamed Of

romantic couple
Casual couple smiling at each other on white background

Above all, periods are a natural and healthy part of a woman’s life. There’s no need for shame or embarrassment. Treating periods with respect and empathy is an important step towards a more inclusive and understanding world.

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